Breathing, Shoes, Sleep, and Weightloss
June 26, 2017How Can I Eat A Lot of Calories and Still Lose Weight?
July 25, 2017
Hi beautiful peeps!
This week, I’m asking some of the most popular questions that I get about nutrition and fitness.
This week, we cover topics like:
1. Should I eat protein before I work out?
2. Will I gain weight if I eat after 8 PM?
3. If I have a lot of weight to lose, should I just do cardio until I lose weight, and then add in weight training?
4. Should I stretch before I workout like the athletes do?
So grab a cup of coffee or wine, get your laundry going, and join me for a chat as I’ll share with you not only the answer to these questions, but also the science behind the answers.
And then, once you finish listening, would you take a second to subscribe to our podcast? It takes just a few seconds and will guarantee you don't miss out on upcoming episodes! Click here to subscribe!
Love you much,
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Now get out there, and keep going for your goals one step at a time. Invest in yourself!
The BCC Team