Katlyn Shea

Katlyn Shea

Boot Camp Challenge® Trainer


Katlyn Shea

Hello! My name is Katlyn Shea. I have a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with a coaching minor from Lindenwood University. I am the head coach of a local competitive gymnastics team and have been helping kids reach their fullest athletic potential in the gym since 2015. When I’m not coaching, I love to spend time outside walking or running. I started my journey with Boot Camp Challenge® as a camper and instantly fell in love with everything about the program. I am a big advocate for breaking the stigma around mental health and firmly believe in the importance of movement for maintaining a healthy mind and body. BCC offers a safe space for everyone and creates a sense of belonging and community amongst campers. I am so excited to be a trainer that encourages people to better their physical and mental health!