Boot Camp Challenge® is a group personal training program created to help trainees reach short-term health and wellness goals.

There are many secrets to the success of the Boot Camp Challenge® program. If you have your "top secret" security clearance, you may continue to read...

Secret #1:
Program Setup -

Boot Camps run in sessions. Because you have a start and end date, trainees feel success reaching their goal.

Secret #2:
Assessments -

Because BCC creates a baseline, there is data to compare results. When trainees see the changes they are making, they will feel successful.

Secret #3:
Cohesiveness -

When trainees are working out, and suffering, they always enjoy it more when others are experiencing it as well! There is nothing greater than sharing success with others who have gone through the same experience.

These are only a few of the secrets that make this program successful.

If you would like additional information about the program "Contact Us!" We will get back to you ASAP!

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