Omaha, NE

BCC Participant
A.K.A - Recruit
Dear Meg, Sarah and Jen:

I don't know how to thank you for what you have given me not only over the past 12 weeks, but since I first met you back in August at my introduction to Body Combat.

At the beginning of the first Boot Camp Challenge when asked why I was there and what I wanted, I said I needed someone to believe in me and to push me farther than I could have imagined. Even though I was pretty hard on myself, you never gave up or let me down. You gave me what I needed each morning to keep pushing myself to go farther.

I see now how far I have come. It really is about me and learning that I am capable of trying to become who I want to be. I'm more than a number on the scale or the size of my clothes. You've given me the confidence to keep exploring new avenues in my life. I was so nervous when we started, but each of you settled me down in ways you probably don't know.

Meg - It was your energy that got me hooked on Body Combat. I truly believe if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have joined the Boot Camp Challenge and been here twelve weeks later on my journey knowing there is more to me than what I see. I am my hardest critic and I honestly couldn't see what you said you saw in me. However, you've been there when I needed to talk and vent and you opened my eyes to see the road ahead is beautiful and filled with only the limitations of my own set boundaries.

Sarah and Jen - I don't know how you smiled every morning when we were crabby. You started each BCC session with a "sunshine attitude" that jumpstarted me when I didn't see how I could do it. You both seem to sense the days when I needed the extra encouragement and whether it was a nod, a "nice" or whatever you said, you gave me the strength to move past what I thought I could do and do more. When I am doing something now, I remember back to where I was when I started and am incredibly grateful for your guidance and patience.

I am stronger than ever but not as strong as I can become. Years from now if I am asked who it was that had the greatest influence on my life; I will have to say you. This is just a small token of my appreciation, for when I asked you to "believe", you did.

Omaha, NE

BCC Participant
A.K.A - Recruit
Everyday I am supposed to save lives of people I have never met and will never know when I pass them on the street. Over the years, I realized I had given up on the one person I should rescue the most: myself. 20 years ago I saw my life on a completely different path and this wasn't even close to what I thought or where I thought I would be at 42. For so long I put my life on hold because I was waiting for what I dreamed of happening. I was not doing anything because I was waiting for my "real life" to start. Reality has shown me that THIS is my life and I have to take advantage of every single day. It may not be my dream world of my "younger days", but I know I can make it my dream world of today. Not long ago I was miserable at what I had allowed myself to become. I had to drop down to my knees moment and knew I had to change myself because I couldn't change anyone else.

Walking into the room at BCC, I knew this was where I needed to be to take myself to a whole new level. A level more than fitness, but one of discipline and endurance. I knew if anyone could help me get to that place (still yet to really be defined), it would be the trainers. They knew where I was when I started and I thought if anyone could see that potential, then this was the natural place to be. I needed someone to push me and to believe in me. Every morning I push myself to the limit. I was going to say "my limits", but I need instructors who will push me to what they see in me. And they do.

I cannot do what I do each session without the other members of BCC. I love that we truly leave no one behind. We start together and we finish together. In less than a week, we came together to realize our best efforts come from each other. The best way for someone to understand is to see us in action. Depending on the activity, we form groups and count together staying as one. One morning all of the groups had finished except for one. Our tasks were done. We could have rested and watched. But all of us, one by one, joined the last group and finished together. At that moment, it wasn't about the pain and sweat, it was about encouragement and teamwork.

What I accomplish in BCC isn't about the numbers on the scale or the size of my jeans (though they're both pretty awesome), it's about the confidence and belief in myself to not be afraid of failing, because each day, I can take those failures and turn them into something beyond my wildest dreams. And by saving my own life, I can save thousands.

Melissa Grattan, Owner
Make it Fit Personal Fitness Training
Albany, NY

BCC License Owner
A.K.A - General
Boot Camp Challenge® has been so much more than I expected! Purchasing the license in October 2006 and launching in January 2007 was such a huge step for me personally and professionally. Lori's training and business model is amazing and not only is she a seasoned fitness professional, but an amazing business woman. I started with 7 bootcampers in January 2007 and by June 2007 I was up to 54. I just hired 4 trainers because Boot Camp Challenge® has literally exploded. I have grossed approximately $30,000 in 6 months and I am having the time of my life. Seeing lives change through this program has been the biggest reward. Thank you Lori for believing in this program!

Melanie Karrick, Owner
Key Largo Fitness and Tanning
Columbia, MO

BCC License Owner
A.K.A - General
I hold several certifications as a Fitness Trainer, Personal Trainer, Group Fitness and Spinning. I also own a gym/tanning facility. In my experience, the Bootcamp Challenge program is the most successful program I have been a part of from the perspective of a win/win situation for the participants, the trainer and a facility. We implemented the Bootcamp Challenge program in February 2005 and the program has consistently grown and is flourishing to this day. We have "graduated" over 200 participants in that time with amazing results. The students who apply themselves with the components of the program have accomplished several of their goals, whether it was losing bodyfat, inches, or increasing their strength and endurance. One of our students is a 49 year old female who participated in our Bootcamps for over a year and finished the program doing over 80 situps, over 60 pushups and accomplishing her goal weight/body fat. She went on to win our city's Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health award! From a business point of view, this has been very profitable for our facility and the trainers involved. We have worked hard to promote this program, nurture the participants and follow the business plan put in front of us. The return on investment came much faster than with any other aspect of our business and has paid dividends since then. We are so pleased and fortunate to have the training that Lori provided and her wealth of experience.

Hi Lori!

BCC Participant
A.K.A - Recruit
I've been meaning to email you this week to let you know about the run. I looked for you but with that many people I'm not surprised I didn't see you! It was absolutely awesome! I loved every single minute of it! I can't even put it into words. Next to seeing my children being born it is by the far the coolest thing I have ever done (well I did jump 13,500' out of an airplane and that's up there too)! I did exactly what you said and I took in everything that was going on. I looked around, I thanked the crowd clapping for us all. I looked for people I knew. I think the last 3 miles I ran with a huge smile on my face! I started to cry around mile 12 because I was so happy and so proud but I was afraid I would have an asthma attack so I talked myself out of crying! Right before I crossed the finish line I heard my name and my beautiful little family was there cheering for me! I blew kisses and smiled even bigger. Wow! Everyone should do it. I can't even imagine what a full marathon must feel like afterward. The first 7 miles of the run flew by. I wasn't even winded which was really shocking to me. I didn't really get tired until into the 12th mile. I was almost sorry it was all over... Thank you again Lori for getting me back in the saddle with running! If it wouldn't have been for you and pushing us to run in boot camp, I would have missed out on one of the coolest things of my life! Hope to see you at the gym soon. Take care, Jodi

Hi, Becky!
(Becky serves as a Boot Camp Drill Sergeant)

BCC Participant
A.K.A - Recruit
I just wanted to say thanks for a GREAT workout today! So challenging! I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I took this class and that you are the type of instructor that you are. I feel like you hold each one of us accountable for our efforts and you don't let us slack. You expect the most out of us - and I really need that.

I'm trying very hard not to be lazy and complacent when it comes to exercise, and while I am getting better at pushing my physical limits, I know I have room for improvement. I finally feel like, for the first time in about 15 years, that I am really in control of my eating and putting in the effort that I need while exercising. You've helped me break through the fear of re-injuring my knee - and got me going again. I didn't realize how much the fear of hurting my knee had held me back.

I look forward to the class and like the variety - you shake it up and it isn't boring. It's fun to find out what we're going to do next - even if it makes me pant and feel like I just can't do one more repetition.

Ok, I'm running on, but I just wanted to say thank you for helping me reach my fitness goals. I really know, that this time, I'm going to reach them. I have the patience to know that it isn't going to be tomorrow, but that I'm going to get there. I have also learned that when I reach these goals, it's time to set new ones and to keep pushing. That feels fantastic!

Have a great day - see you Thursday!


Donna Brooks

BCC Cadre
A.K.A-Drill Sergeant
Teaching Boot Camp Challenge® is a great experience! It is a fun, exciting and challenging experience for both the participants and the trainer. Teaching Boot Camp Challenge gives me the freedom to design my own workouts, which allows me to be creative as possible so the participants are never bored and yet receive a rigorous workout. Seeing the results at the end of the camp is one of my most rewarding experiences. I also love the freedom I have in determining the time of the boot camp, how many days a week and how many weeks it runs. Because I determine the amount of participants per camp, I decide my hourly rate. The more participants I have, the more money I make. Because Boot Camp Challenge® is an amazing, results driven program, participants repeat the course, time after time, and I have had the opportunity to develop relationships with them as I do when I am doing personal training. So it is the best of worlds, individual and group training.

A letter to Lisa Killoren
(Lisa serves as a Boot Camp Drill Sergeant)

BCC Participant
A.K.A - Recruit
I had my 6-week follow-up w/ my doctor the day of the last session (Dec 18). He had threatened to put me on medication to lower my blood pressure, since it had been high 3 of the last 4 visits. But, it was perfectly normal that morning! No meds!!! My blood cholesterol had also improved..., and I had lost 5 pounds... He asked me to come back in 6 months (not weeks, like last time). Thank you so much. I hope you have space for the next session.

From an Anonymous Recruit

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